Impact 127: Beyond Borders

Community happens when we make an impact beyond borders.

Farm Workers

Community Outreach

Construction Development


To alleviate the effects of poverty through personal connection and community involvement.

Empowering people in need of material, emotional, or social help to impact their world.
Impact 127

Impact 127: Beyond Border’s heart is to offer poverty alleviation through personal connection and encouraging local community involvement.  We GO and build relationships by spending time with people in their community.  Not just learning about them but living life together on a regular basis.  From conversations weekly on the phone to regular visits every one to two months these people become family to us… and its reciprocal.  Because cultures are different, Impact 127 takes time to learn the true need of the person and family within such cultures.  These are not missions to us, these are people. And people flourish when they are loved by others.  When they see that Impact 127 truly cares for them and shows them that they have worth and value in life and they are not some project, this is when heart and mind see the true power in personal connection and community.  Our heart is to create a family that shines within their local community.  Building a place where a people may go and cry on someones shoulder while struggling together and a place where you hear people singing sharing joys together.  This is living real life community and making impact beyond borders. 

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